Monday 9 August 2010


hey all

just eaten my own body weight in mexican food... so need to sleep soon...

this week is gonna be mental - i'm just going to have to face that fact and deal with it. but i may just lose all brain function by friday...

two back-to-back visits today - one to margaret - a very cool english lady who's lived in new york for quite a few years, but has also lived in paris and london. today we went to two doctor's appointments and then took the bus back to her apartment. she used to work in the art business and today we discussed andy warhol - she actually met him several times and still sees ultra violet occasionallly as she lives nearby... what the hell!!! i can't believe i was talking to someone who met andy warhol!!!! wow!

then off to see jean for my final visit - i felt sad when i left - she was the first client that i visited alone and she's such a sweetie. i asked if i could take a photo today and she wasn't too keen but she agreed. only there was nothing to rest the camera on so i had to hold it out and try to get us both in - here are the results:

i shall miss her happy and friendly little face...

i saw this sign today and it made me think:

i think mine would say 'stop eating all that mexican food' today!

after work i met up with zoe and we did some shopping - we were both in daft indecisive moods and so we came away from target/marshalls/old navy with very little... so we went off to eat instead. zoe took us to this lovely local mexican place in harlem and they were having some kind of anniversary party for the restaurant - so they were giving away some undefined booze and cake - and zoe and i already had a huge burrito each... but they were so sweet that we ate it all (or most of it). sorry, just couldn't bring myself to eat the inch thick icing...

more tomorrow... if i remember to wake up!


  1. As per usual sounds like you are having an amazing time. the job you applied for, is that in UK or US?

    I can't wait to see all your photos once you're back. Are you sticking to East Coast for the holidays?

  2. I bet that burrito was fan-freaking-tastic!

  3. I reckon my body would enquire which one of us was in charge.
