Monday 26 July 2010

today was a good day...

hello again

just a quick one - i had a nice day today...

first appointment with michael who is just great, i usually escort him to doctor's appointments, he has a lot of them... i don't feel like i'm very much help to him cos he uses his walker (like a zimmer, but way better!) so i really just accompany him and open doors and call elevators for him. but he's always so kind to me, on my last visit he wanted to buy me lunch and again today, so we went to one of my fave lunch places 'the corner cafe' and he bought me lunch - what a doll!

then i had a visit to a lady i've been trying to pin down for weeks, and she kept cancelling me, so i finally visited with her today and she's great! italian, with a terrific life story which she told me today - including lots of unsuitable men and ended up with her leaving italy with her young daughter and moving to the usa unable to speak english. very interesting and she said to me 'i think the men are fools to not want to marry you girls, beautiful, intelligent, chic, etc. but if they are fools then we don't want them anyway' ha ha ha! a lot of my clients all tell me how lovely i am, how well dressed, chic, intelligent, efficient, etc. i am - who knew! not me, obviously! but it's nice to be appreciated - which i hardly ever feel at home...

finished at her apartment and went to the supermarket then home where i ate too much ice-cream then off to yoga (absolutely always makes me feel so good!) then as it was getting dark i decided to go and investigate a park that is right on the eastern side of manhattan - charles schurz park - well, what a find, and it's only like 3 blocks from the apartment! walked along by the east river with a darkening blue sky and a huge yellow moon hanging there looking gorgeous, with the lights of queens twinkling on the opposite shore... quite magical

on the way there i saw someone who looked like shelley (female not male) and i came over all tearful and realised that i'm missing you all...

over and out for now


  1. Oh, if only it had been Miss Kerr, she's such a globetrotter it could've quite easily have been her!

    Missing you too lady, but loving your updates.

    Mwah xxx

  2. Funnily enough last time I went for my hospital appointment there was a lady there that reminded me of Ms Kerr. It is true, all the new and exciting things keep you busy and a little thing just makes you realise how much you miss and love the ones back home.

    By the way that Italian lady sounds cool! See her more often x
