Monday 26 July 2010

absolutely the last post today...

just wanted to mention this quickly...

i woke up at 1am last night cos something was biting me... i literally woke up to myself slapping my own leg to stop whatever was biting me to find a slightly squished spider on bed - urghhhhhhh - effing thing bit me twice on my thigh - had some scary moments while it hurt and stung and went red thinking i was going to die, etc. but then put some savlon on the bites and went back to sleep. only to wake up to find that a mosquito had also bitten me on the same thigh and it's blown up to a massive red welt (i'm very allergic to mosquitos).

what the hell?


  1. What the hell indeed! You're in the states -- don't your windows have screens? Well done for going back to sleep after the spider-bite!

  2. yes, there are screens but they're not very good in this old ground floor apartment with a garden outside.

    had to sleep after the spidey bite - sooo freakin tired!!!! took a while though with many thoughts of paralysis, death, great illness from poisonous spidey bite...

    can't even hardly see where it bit me now, unlike the mosquito bite on the same thigh which is massive.

  3. At least it wasn't bed bugs - I've been reading all about the epidemic of them here in NYC and woke up convinced that I'd had them!

  4. Spiders! Yikes! I've been like a big mac for the mosquitoes in Highbury!!!! Missing you! Alan xxx

  5. OMG, that is WRONG on so many different levels!

    I too found I had been bitten by a spider in the night, 2 pincer marks gave it away but I was spared the torment of waking up to find it biting me!

    Massive hugs, sounds traumatising!


  6. Nice! Living in the real concrete jungle :) Get some mosquito plug in type things to get rid of them.
