Thursday 15 July 2010

it's a jazz thing...

hey all

phew! what a day... i really felt like i'd had enough today and i really didn't want to go to my last appointment - but i did and it turned out to be a great visit... see, sometimes when i make myself do something it does work out... not always though!

while we were sitting out in the garden last night drinking beer, listening to eli paperboy reed and eating pizza i got bitten to death by those god damn mosquitoes - my legs are covered and i'm so allergic to the bites, my legs have blown up like balloons and feel so hot and swollen - NO MORE SITTING IN THE GARDEN - and before you say it, yes i did have repellent on... grrrrr

anyway, back to today - got home exhausted but dragged my sorry arse downtown as steve (jazz aficionado) was meeting me at a jazz club. i told him that i wanted to go to a proper jazz club - and it was the real deal, and everything i wanted it to be; small, round tables, waitress service, dingy, amazing band. was so good that when i arrived, steve and the others weren't there yet, and usually i would wait outside as i hate being in a bar on my own - but the music was so great that i got a table and a beer and just enjoyed it. what a great evening! steve's gonna get back to me on some jazz classics to start me off - i'm a bit of a jazz virgin (apart from gang starr - but i don't think they count!)

will definitely be going back to bar 55 - here's some pics:

thank god it's friday tomorrow... and we're going to see inception at the imax - bring it on!



  1. You're going to have to show me the ways of the jazz world when you are back. really glad you are keeping on with this blog. you'll be pleased with yourself at the end!

  2. Get some citronella candles for the garden, it would be a shame not to sit out there surely!
    You defo sound like you are living it up over there, I am glad. It sounds absolutely fab!

  3. Viki you look so relaxed and pretty, the Big Apple is certainly doing you a world of good. Enjoy x x
