Saturday 9 July 2016

first days

ok - so it's saturday night and it's pouring with rain... time to sit down and write something. sorry i made such a big deal telling everyone to keep checking the blog and then not bothering to post anything!

my trip over to new york was about as uneventful as you want a trip to be! unusually for me, there was no drama and i arrived at JFK and made my way by subway uptown to the new place i'll be staying at at 96th street between 3rd and lexington avenue. i'm always so happy to come back to new york! arrived and met my lovely host, patsy who showed me to my lovely room which has become my new home here - and it has an en suite bathroom - so i feel like i'm staying in a hotel!

my first weekend is all a bit of a blur now that i'm thinking back... and of course i didn't remember to write anything in my diary about what i did! i think i took a stroll around the neighbourhood, seeing what was new and what has disappeared. but not a huge amount of change really, probably the most noticeable thing is the amount of new apartment blocks going up... so a lot of noisy, disruptive building work going on. also, if you can believe it, the 'new' 2nd avenue subway is still under construction! that had already started when i came over in 2010 and it looks no nearer being finished! the crossrail in london has pretty much all happened in that time and i'm sure it will open before the new subway here! it's crazy!

so, i think i mainly mooched around and shopped and ate bad food...

but i had made a date to see robin on saturday night and oh! what joy to see her again. i called for her at her apartment and we had a lovely catch-up over a glass of wine, before going out for italian food at a place nearby. she always makes me feel soooo welcome! it's weird how we can just pick up again after a couple of years!

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