Sunday 28 October 2012

i am back back back!

well, it seems that it has taken a hurricane to make me sit down and start writing a new blog post! i've been back in nyc for nearly a whole week now and despite promising to many people that i would resurrect this blog, i haven't written a bloody word!!! until now that is... so, before i start i would just like to say that i'm currently under house-arrest while we wait for a massive hurricane to engulf us and blow us all to bits. the shops are all closed, and most of the restaurants too, people have been queuing all day at the supermarkets for food and bottled water, but worst of all, they've only gone and closed all the cinemas too - oh, the horror! it seems that i better knuckle down and write this thing... right, let's go back and start at the beginning...


  1. Oh Viki! How typical that you get to be back in NYC for the hurricane. I hope it turns out to be nothing.

    Though, you are getting to see how the city pulls together in a crisis, that must be nice. Unless everyone is going bonkers.

    Take Care!!! x

  2. hello lady!

    thanks for commenting on my post - you are my only comment this trip, so feel free to post any more comments you might have! it's nice to know someone's reading!!!

